Although we are hype to showcase or new collection, this email isn’t about that. It wouldn’t even feel right to introduce a new collection to our loyal customers without first explaining where we’ve been. To make it plain, we fell on our faces and had to crawl back.
The past two years have been extremely transformative for the Trap Genius NYC Brand but also for us as individuals. We’ve learned A LOT!!!
Some of our biggest lessons during our “quiet time”:
- EVERY business owner has had an ultimate WTF moment and has questioned whether to keep going or not.
-Purpose and passion are the only things that will keep you motivated when things get CRAZY.
-Education is unavoidable. Not education in the traditional sense to being educated in YOUR business is the only way you will survive.
-Sharing is caring. Share the things you’ve learned, be a mentor, provide resources, and connect people. Make the entrepreneurial journey easier for people whether they are in your industry or not.
-Maintain your integrity no matter how high the stakes.
This journey has been so crazy we had to make it a 5-part series. We hope our story inspires someone to Take Risks but also understand that Applying Pressure is vital in your success.